Thursday, November 24, 2005


Sacred Twig
Originally uploaded by John Suler.

In my previous post I mentioned Flickr - an online photo sharing community where people communicate more with images than they do with words. One Flickr feature enables you to post images directly to your blog. So here goes.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Up for Air

It's been almost a month since my last post to this blog. Those of you who teach will understand when I say that a semester is like a hundred yard dash. Once the gun goes off, the sprint begins and there is no looking back until we reach the finish line.

Work in cyberspace has been part of that run - mostly email with colleagues and students, Blackboard communication with students, eQuest projects, and quick browsings of my professional listservs. Several interesting issues popped up that I wanted to write about here in this blog: the psychology of online slander and character assassination; the kinds of psychotherapy that can and cannot be done online; how students react to online environments for identity experimentation; the social dynamics of online photo sharing, as in Flickr.

So many interesting things to discuss. So little time. When you're schedule maxs out, what falls off your cyberspace radar?

I'll be back.